Monday, February 28, 2011


(This is a long read, so get comfy and grab something to eat!

Two years!
Whodda thunk?
It all started back with my very first post...........HERE....(nothing big, just pics of the kiddos)....on March 28, 2009, when I was persuaded by my BFF The Prairie Fairy [Roberta] to start a blog so I can make cards with her digital images!
Digital images?
A blog?
"Have some candy" she says [some of you may remember me talking of this before, so I'm sorry for the reiteration, but I really must share it again]
"Candy?" I said. I honest to god thought she meant "candy" in every literal sense of the word!
Then I won LORI's blog candy. Roberta called me; screaming- "you won, you won".......Ooooooooooo YAY (jumping up and down)!! NOW WHAT!!?!? [confusion yet again] & in that candy was my first TILDA--- "Who's\What's Tilda??" (yes,,,,really!! )
Oy yoi, yoi. I've learned so much since then, like paper piecing is not the same as paper piercing; my blog has a 'dashboard' which I thought was only in vehicles; there were more than just 5 challenges out there in blogland; AND I now know how to sew!!! lol
Ah I recall my first challenge TOP 3 fondly: Actually, NO I don't......I didn't even know I won until my blogger friend LORI (different Lori than above) told me! It was at the Stamping Vacation blog with this card. Remember......I was a dashboard virgin!  ACK!!
I can lovingly look at pictures of my cards & remember EXACTLY why I made it. A DT call, a color challenge, a special blog hop, another DT call, a birthday, just for fun.....funny how we become so invested in the little things.
I remember how very nervous I was applying for my first DT spot.........which I didn't get BTW [their loss-haha], then I remember thinking.......I'll never get picked (pity party began), but I tried again & was given my first break with the Creative Inspiratons DT. I remember how excited I was telling my hubby (who was like "what does that mean?") & how I trembled with excitement as I made my first post for that challenge! Oh the stress of it all!
How do I schedule a post?
How do I link my card & not my blog?
Word Verification?
How do I make a post 'sticky'----AND why does that just not sound right?!?!
It's a whole other language here in blogland, but as far as I'm concerned, what happens in blogland, stays in blogland! When something comes in the mail for me, now, even if I've ordered it, I tell hubby "no, seriously I won it"!! God love him!!

Sssssssssssoooooooooooooooo............since I didn't celebrate my 1 yr blogaversary.....(..........I know.............I suck )I am here to offer up ONE BIG WHOPPING 2 YEAR BLOGAVERSARY CANDY!

This is almost a farewell of sorts as see, I have been on maternity leave for the past year, which has allowed me ample time to create, inspire, drool & appreciate......but now my time will definitely be limited. I will no longer be able to spend 12 hours 4 hours a day on the computer, visiting sites, entering challenges or candy draws. I'll be working my little butt off to make more money to support my crafting addiction habit. I hope you will all MISS ME tremendously! haha Just know that I will be here somewhere lurking in the background! Perhaps on my nights shifts.

So whaddya say, let's get to it then!
What is in these pictures!?
What can you win?

44- 6X6 blinged up "Love Nest" MME papers
72- 6X6 "Simply Delightful" MME papers
4 large self adhesive butterflies
3 self adhesive leaf mirrors
2 pkgs mini-frames [3 in each pkg]
1 pkg metal embellishments [6 pieces]
1 pkg PEACE charms [4 pieces]
1 pkg mixed button
 1 roll [3 meters ] chocolate brown grosgrain
5 yards white seam binding
misc amount of thin white sheer
4 yrds blue
4 yrds red with flowers
10 meters purple satin edge
4 yrds purple & green  plaid design
9 ft pink 'girl talk'
3 pk Ranger stickles (diamond, silver, gold)
1 pkg self adhesive rhinestone bling
2 pkg self adhesive pearls [pink & green]
1 pkg of alphabet word stickers
1 pkg CTMH sponge daubers (12/pk)
mixed lot of shapes- crimped
1 pkg Labels 2 Nestabilities
SU butterfly punch
2 Magnolia Stamps- "King Tilda" & "Tilda hiding Present" -you didn't think I'd forget Maggies did you?
"Little Treats Collection" Rubber stamps (cupcakes & sentiments [8 stamps total] )
1 Whimsy 'Chilly BunBun Fairy' stamp 
1 pkg 'Baby' wooden stamps
1 Whimsy 'Mr. & Mrs Teddy' Claus stamp
Versamark Ink Pad
Misc mixed batch
WOC-mixed lot (see pictures)
1 pkg pink pearl stems

The Labels Nesties (I have them now, but not when I took the pictures)


Donated by Bonnie at Really Reasonable Ribbons-Feb. Ribbon Club Assortment
 Mwah! Thank You!


Donated by Bec from Bizzy Becs Store-
WOJ Die Tag
WOJ pearls
 Magnolia 'Happy Birthday' sentiment &
an assortment of charms.
 Mwah! Your the best!

Now whaddya gotta do to be in it to win it?
** You MUST be a follower**
**Take one of the pictures OF MY CANDY &
display it on your blog [sidebar is fine] with a link back here**
(Don't forget to name it "Whopping Candy") lol
**put your name into Mr. Linky**

Use this awesome sketch created by Claudia Rossa (just for me- after I twisted her creative arm-lol) & make something with it. Be it a card/altered item/scrapbook page/tag........whateva....then post it on your blog and link THAT POST to Mr. Linky as well.(EDIT- write SKETCH beside your name so I can come see it kay)

DONE. 2 possible ways to win.......

woops...........almost forgot...............

****For every 100 enteries into this candy draw I will give away a set of 28 sheets of DP as well- (can you believe I never new what DP was either!!!)  [cut 6"X6"]  . ****
So the more enteries, the more chances to win some fabby papers!! Sound good!??!?

**EDIT: (March 3) I will announce these DP winners on my blog as I draw after each 100 enteries. I will also post the winners on a seperate page at the top of my blog, so look for that tab at the top** 

Finally, I'd just like to send a big shout out to all the teams, teammates & cyber bosses that have taken a chance on me in the past & present! And to all the bloggers who pop in & out on a daily or casual basis. And to those of you who stay in touch on the sidelines as well (you know who you are)!
Your encouraging words keep me going !

Crafty Cardmakers
Fussy & Fancy
Stamping Vacation
Prairie Fairy Fun Fridays
Creative Inspirations
Totally Tilda
Do It With Digis'
Bizzy Becs-Blue Butterfly Stamps
Let's Ink It Up

This candy will be open until March 28. Winner will be announced April 1st.



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Ujjwal said...

what a beautiful post!! I can totally relate to it. I was the same when I started my blog a year back.

Thanks for a chance to win "whopping candy"!! and wish you luck in your future ventures. You will certainly be missed.

Unknown said...

OMG Corry this is totally awesome hun. I will deffo be back with an entry using that sketch at some point before the closing date - after all who wouldn't want more than one chance to win such a fantastic blog candy.
Hope the withdrawal symptoms aren't too bad when you go back to work!
Huge hugs
Dawn xx

At The Top Of The Cloud said...

Wow, that's an amazing huge candy!!!
Thanks for a chance to win all these!!!
I've linked you at my sidebar!

Have a nice day! Nadya.

At The Top Of The Cloud said...

Oh, forgot to give a link...

Unknown said...

Woow what a great giveaway. I already a follower and I linked you on my sidebar.
Good luck for you!

Suzi Mac said...

My God Girl!!! you don't do things by small measures do you!!! lol. Fantastic candy and a great story that we can all relate to. I'll be back later when I've posted about your shenanighans and used the gorgeous extorted sketch. hehehe.
Suzi x

Linda said...

I love your story, I can totally relate to. Thanks for the chance to win that amazing candy
hugs linda dekker

Lori said...

Yummmmm yummmm yummmmm and a Claudia Rosa sketch, i'll be back!

Andrea said...

Oh my goodness - that's more than whopping!!!! Congratulations on your blogaversary. I can totally relate to everything you've said in your post - all the jargon we've learned (and still learning!), the little white lies, husband just not 'getting it' but happy cos he can watch cricket/golf/rugby/NFL on the telly when he wants to, etc etc etc. You really made me giggle - thank you.

Love, Andrea xx

Lisa said...

wowsah's what yummy candy, congrats and thanks for the chance to win!!

Christine said...

OMG Cor* you dont do things by half..defo
"WHOPPING CANDY" love your post can relate exactly to what you say..still get the Highs & lows..but hey its a bucket load of fun..heres to many more years of blog crafting..look out for my effort at the sketch..thanks for the chance at your AWESOME candy...

smiles Christine xx

jude said...

Congratulations hun!Im sure every crafter can relate to that wonderful story.Thanks for the chance to win and hopefully be back with my creation before the end of the month.
It is a joy to have you on my team hunni.
Do hope work isnt such a shock to the system.!
love n hugs judex

DesignerDiva said...

OMG can't you tell its 'OSCARS" weekend! I'm in tears here thats one of the best and saddest and heartfelt blog speeches I've read today!! Just kidding Cor, I really hope you will still be around enev if its not as much as you'd like, you helped me loads when I started out and I love checking out your blog. AMAZING 'whopping candy' its like a mobile craft room!! Good luck on your return to work
Love 'n' Hugs Laurie x

Margreet said...

wowzers Cor....what a huge candy...and it ends on my birthday...will that be my luck???....cross my fingers and toes it is...great I think I will enter twice!
xxx Margreet

Terry said...

Wow WOw Wow Cor Congratulations sweetie on your two years of Blogland and wowzers what a great way to tell your story, I just sat back and myself something to eat hehehe....LOL...Thank you for this opportunity sweetie I just love it and oh welll maybe I will make the sketchie too....hehehe Thank you and for everyone good luck ladies.....Hugs Terry xxxx

Katherine said...

Hello. I love your story with "whopping candy". Thanks for the chance to win. I am now a follower of your blog and added candy to my blog's side bar. Link here:

cowboydutrem said...

What a fabulous candy! Thanks so much for a chance, I've been a follower for quite a while and posted your candy to my sidebar, hope I'll have time to make a card with the sketch too!
You made me laugh with your "honest, I won all this stuff!"

Tanya said...

Oh my goodness how fabulous! Crossing my fingers to get my first Magnolia too lol! I already follow you and have added to my sidebar. Thank you so much for the awesome chance! :D

Unknown said...

Yummy, yummy lots of candy! I am a follower, going now to put it on my side bar :o) Yes, we will miss you!

Scrappy Scatty said...

Wonderful Candy, thank you for the chance

Deb said...

wow wow wow!! Fabulous candy Corry, I'm rubbing my hands together in greedy anticipation-lol!!
Great blogging story and I only have to say so sorry you have to come back to work--NOT! hehe! although I do think that staying home with kids is the hardest and most rewarding job by far.
Congrats on your blogaversay, it's wonderful having you as a crafter, blogging budding and friend-have posted-blah blah blah and I try and do the sketch it looks like a good one

Ardilla said...

Congrats for your two years blogging...
I'm happy I'm not the only one learning blog language and trying to understand all the things people says in another way... (LOL)

Your candy is super yummy and I thank you for the chance...

A big hug,


olga said...

lovely post!! thank you so much for the change to win!

Sharon Peele said...

Cory, you are 2 funny!!! I too tell my husband I won the thing that come in the mail or I get there before he can if I know something is coming!!! The things we do for our crafting (addiction) habit!! Thanks for the 2 chances to win and love all the goodies!!!!

Karen McAlpine said...

Well, I will sure miss you! Here and at the Stamping Vacation blog. I wish you all the best going back to work-work. I will work on that sketch and come back late to link my card up. Best ever Corry!!

chrissy xx said...

WoW! What a post.
What!!!!! It's more like a large shop lol. with all that yummy candy!!!! You must have a spare room to stash it all
Thanks for the chance.

Маги said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!Thank you so much for the change to win this awesome candy!Hope I'll have time to make a card with the sketch too.

Sande said...

Congratulations Corry hun! I LOVE to read your post!! My husband doesn't understand a thing what I am doing and WHY I'm doing what I'm doing ;) Everytime I tell him anyway if I'm thrilled or won or anything but he doesn't understand :)
Thank you so much for the chance to win this incredible candy!

Hugs, Sande x

scrappingmamma said...

awe so sorry you have to go im sure you will be missed by all!
Thanks all of the chances to win your candy,but I have linked you to my sidebar but i havent a clue what **put your name into Mr. Linky** Mean's

Deborah Foti

Donna Mosley said...

Aww Corry, I loved reading about your amazing blog journey hun.

As a newbie blogger you have always been a real inspiration to me and you've always been there with lovely comments and encouragement. Thank You so much for that xxx

WOWSERS! thats some YUMMY candy you have there. Thanks for the chance to win it. Congrats on your 2yrs. Looking forward to the next one. :o)

Donna x

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 2 years in blog land x I have been a blogger for a year and it is like going into the wardrobe of Narnia and finding a whole new world, hope you continue to enjoy it when you go back to work x I have popped your candy on my sidebar and have been a follower for some time x Leigh x

scrappingmamma said...

im new and was wondering if we needed to use any special stamp or anything for the sketch ?

♥♥RubyM:)♥♥ said...

Tell me it ain't so!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost fell off my bed when i read you were on maternity leave!!! I thought OMG! Cor is announcing she's prego!!!!!!!I soon realised you are now passed that stage and going back to work LOL!!!

awhhh it's a bitter sweet farewell candy then.
Can i hang on you to keep you with us??!!!Only if crafts grew on trees none of us would be working lol!

Anyways i wish you well with everything.I will still swing by to visit.

Your story almost made me cry.You see all of that you menchant happened to me too sniff sniff.The very first DT i applied to didn't want me baaahaaa! Now i see them snooping in my work lol!!!!

Also the candy girl! I haven't had no candy on my blog.Not even for my 1yr blogaversary.I been putting stuff on the side to have candy soon UP on my blog.By the looks of it i better add doubles on everything to try to match with yours lol!! This is a heck load WOW!!!!! I will certainly play and add it on my side bar right away.

I will keep the sketch in mind so i could add a second chance in the yummy-licious candy!Thank you Cor for all YOU DONE FOR US!! This is not bye just a so long.Will keep in touch with you my friend,RubyM:)

MadeByKarla said...

WOW! what an adventure. It's ok, blogland will be here whenever you have time, we'll be happy to hear from you. Thanks for the chance at all these goodies!I shared on my blog.

Jackie Thomas said...

OMG Cor, I don't think I've ever seen a candy this HUGE ever!! Congrats on your 2 years of blogging. I loved reading this post, you cracked me up. I have posted your link on my side bar for all to see. Thank you for the chance to win this incredibly amazing sweet sweet candy. Hugs xo Jackie

Sue B said...

Wow! Gorgeous "Whopping Candy"!!! Thanks for the chance to win such super candy!

I have become a follower and linked in sidebar
Hugs Sue xx

SusanLotus said...

Fabulous blog candy! Seriously this will be a dream come true for the one who wins all this!

I hope you´ll get alot of time to create even I know how hectic it is to work full time. And having children at the same time!

Now I must take a tour on your blog and see what inspiration I can find for today :)

Have a wonderful day!

Eseniya said...

Просто шикарные конфеты!!! Спасибо за шанс!
Я Ваш последователь! Ссылка на боковой панели

Hanneke said...

Congratutalions on your blogoversary! When I read your post about it I recognised a lot! I just started a few months ago in blogland and am still learning a lot in card making. Thank you for the chance to win this blogcandy!

Emilie said...

I just discovered your pretty blog today.
Happy Blogaversary!
I am quite new in the world of blogland, so right now I am going through all the stages that you have mentioned.
This candy of yours is amazing. So many wonderful things! I would love to win this. Thanks for giving me the chance.

Greetings from FarfallaDK

BlackBird said...

Thank you for the chance.

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Corry, wishing you a simple as possible transition back to work. I was only off three months for either of my children and I'm not sure I would want a whole year off like they can get nowadays as I'd never have wanted to go back. What gorgeous candy. I'd certainly love to be in with a chance of winning something and put it to good use for my cards I make to sell to raise funds for charity. Best wishes, kym xxx

Elsina said...

Happy blogoversary and I hope you"ll adjust just fine back to work! Thanks for the giveaway! It's at my sidebar!

Lynne said...

Oooooh you lovely lovely girl!!!! what fab candy and soooooo generous!!! love ya loads - off to pop you on my sidebar .... mwah Lynne xoxo

Anne said...

Happy Blog-Aversary ... wow.. now that is a prize.. i am already a follower and have placed your candy on my righ side bar here :
thanks for a chance to win.. And i will use the sketch and enter for a second chance..

Deb said...

Hey Cor
This lady has a great blog and talks a bit about water color paper and coloring and such thought you might like

Lotta said...

I must admit i am where you started 2 years ago. Totaly new. It is a whole new world to discover and it is a beautiful world. I bought my first stamps one month ago. That is how new i am.

Happy anniversary! Hugs from Sweden :)

Dorte said...

Sitting here with a big smile.I recognised a lot of what your are telling. Thanks for a chance to win "whopping candy"
hugs Dorte

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

WHOA! That is some whopping candy! Happy 2 year Blogaversary!! Your "newbie" things you talked about all sound so familiar as this last year has been a huge learning experience for me in blogland. It was all so foreign to me to start but now I think I got the hang of it....well most of it anyways! :P Hmmmm, good call on telling hubby you won everything. Wonder if mine will believe me? Bummer you have to go back to work but hopefully you will still be around creating, e-mailing and commenting! :)
Big hugs!

Sheree said...

Wow!!! You are going out with a BANG!! That's one heckuva load of candy you're giving away! Happy 2nd Anniversary of your blog... Too bad you'll be taking leave from Blogland. Hmmm.. I'm a newbie and really hooked on this so I can't imagine that someone with your experience being away for toooooo long!
Thanks for being so generous but PLEASE keep in touch! Let us know how wonderful it is going back to work again har har...
Thanks and Best Wishes!!

Denimo said...

Hey Corry. Happy 2nd blogaversary!! What absolutely fabulous candy you're sharing with one of us!! {hope it's me... hope it's me...} Thanks so much for being one generous lady!

Craftdee said...

Hi Corry, thanks for the chance to win such FABULOUS candy!!! I've only just "found" you; I love your "chatty" style (I'm a bit of a chatterbox myself) so PLEASE don't go too far away from blogland for too long - we'll let you off with "post lite" until you get in your groove :-) All the best for your return to the (paid) workforce, Dee

S.Bayles said...

I have been a follower and love the blog. Thanks for the great giveaway. Someday I am going to get lucky.... Good Luck to all.......

Teri said...

Holy cow, what a candy!!! Your post was so funny and touching all at once! Sounds like me..still.. in the blogging world part at least!!! Your work is gorgeous!!! And I'm sure that you will make time to keep up with everyone, it's just too much fun not to!!! Becoming a follower!!!

Anonymous said...

What a huge candy cor. and i can so relate to your story. im still in it, so paper piercing and piecing is two different things,oh, didnt now that.(i tought that people just spelled it wrong lol) You see, still so much to learn, im halfway there, been blogging and playing with paper for a year now (dont now if you new that?)by the way, you did make me cry with you post.i so love to pop in to your blog and admire your work. hugs to you!

Debby said...

Corry, You have definitely had quite a journey and it is reflected in your beautiful creations... Your post is quite moving actually and I started tearing up; I am looking forward to frolicking through blogland myself and hope it is as eventful as yours. Congratulations and Hugs to you on your Blogaversary!

Hlora said...

Great giveaway! I linked it on sidebar
I am so happy to find this blog and I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

may-chu said...

Hi Corry!
hey - don't stop posting! I just now fell in love with your blog, so you can't stop now! it sounds like you had quite a lot of fun over these last two years, so... congrats for celebrating two, wishing you many more! posted on my blog (it's in Hebrew so... don't be scared XD I'm sure you can find the sidebar)
thanks for the chance and keep up the great work!

Shelly said...

Happy Blogaversay Corry!!!! I loved your post. :)
I wish you the best as you go back to work. Please pop in and post, even if you don't have time to make anything crafty to share. I do hope for your sake that you find some crafting time. Hugs!!! xxx

Wow! What an absolutely awesome load of candy! Thank you for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

Holy Cow Corry ... you definitely do things the big way... your candy is awesome!!!! Really loved reading your story, can relate to it so much, never thought blogland would be so fun and exciting. Yes you will definitely be so busy now but please don't go away, I love reading your comments, you are always so fun. And big congrats on your blogaversary, I'm off to link you :) Hugs xxx

Merry said...

Wow...what awesome Candy Corry...thanks so much for the chance to win. Also thanks so much for the fun read. I have a smile on my face and my head was nodding as I remembered each of those stages and new terms you discovered in blogland. Hope to see many more of your wonderful creations even if you will be a little slower posting. :-)

Sande said...

i just found your blog today and laughed the entire time I read your post. Oh how I remember the day I created my first blog...I sat there thinking Sande you must be a idiot. You'll never figure this out but after many mistakes and many hours, it came together.

What an amazing blog candy you have given us all a chance to win.

I really had to laugh when you said "I tell hubby I won it!" My Dad us to collect Civil War uniform buttons and he'd tell my mother, oh they were out of the dime box. Of course, both him and I knew better. lol!

Am now a follower, enter Mr. Linky and added your blog candy on my sidebar and have bookmarked you so I can return and spend more time here.

Anniebee said...

I just discovered your blog too and I have to say that I wish I had found it long ago! Everything you said in this post, well, except for the part about participating on design teams and challenges (I haven't gotten that far yet!) sounds hauntingly familiar. I have only just embarked on my own journey into the blogosphere, having written my first post 10 days ago. It's a little more work than I anticipated but I'm having fun and enjoying my new bloggy friends very much.

I have been enjoying some of your work, which is something I make a point of doing before I enter a blog candy drawing hosted by someone whose blog I haven't visited before. I especially love your cards and your Copic technique. I'm a fan of Magnolia stamps and even though I don't own any of them yet, they are high on my wish list. I have recently started using Copics. I thoroughly enjoy coloring and wish I had the funds to attend one of their certification classes.

Anyway, long story short... I hope you don't mind but I will be stalking your blog from now on. Unfortunately for me, this comes just at the time that you're returning to work. I was laid off last August from my job of 14 years and am still searching for a new one so if you have been on a leave, consider yourself lucky because it's rough out there in the job market!

I have complied with all the requirements for your giveaway. You'll find your candy posted in the right sidebar of my new blog with a link back here. Thanks for this awesome opportunity (I can certainly use the crafting supplies!) and I look forward to seeing more of your fabulous work on my next visit.

Anne (Anniebee)
lucyblueeyz at yahoo dot com

Brenna said...

I loved your post!! it is hilarious! i am soo new to the blogging world and am just figuring it all out! Blog Candy, blog hops, I still don't know what a DP is!! ha ha ha...And I love the comment about telling your hubby youwon it. I'av already started that and I've only won a few things!! ha ha ha...thanks so much for sharing, andthe chance to win, and I love your blog. good luck back at work...jsut returned back tow ork after my year off and night shifts are hell, but at least you get to see the babe in the am when you get home!! that's how I look at it, and sometimes you may get more time to hang out on the blog!! thanks again!

Jae said...

Omgosh! Your post is so funny! I actually just recently started and I have asked myself almost all of those questions haha! I don't know what DP is BUT I DO know who Tilda is! Congrats, and happy 2 year blogaversary to you! Thanks for this amazing chance :)

Nadenka said...

I loved your post. :)
Happy Blogaversay Corry!!!!
What absolutely fabulous candy you're sharing with one of us!!

Mummo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mummo said...

I'm a follower now and I linked you on my sidebar.
What a great "whopping candy"! Thanks for this chance. :)

MrsD07 said...

Congrats on your 2 years blogaversary!! Hope you enjoy being back to work, but you'll be missed in blogland!

And for the record.....I STILL don't know how to make a post sticky ;)

sa_homespun / Michelle van Wyk said...

CONGRATULATIONS... wow, this candy is definatley whopping ! Thank you for the chance to win ! Hope you still find some time to play in blogland.. it is so much fun !

Have become a follower and have posted to my sidebar:

Michelle van Wyk

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

Congratulations to you, celebrating your 2nd blogaversary! Oh, my - that is a gigantic, enourmous, generous candy! Wow!

I laughed here and there at your story :)) - yes, don't we all feel familiar with you in things you say here! :) I am happy to be on the PFD DT with you, I totally understand that you will spend less time blogging this hobby now.
There's a life outside blogland. :)

Take care! Hugs, Hege

Julia said...

Congrats on the second year of your blog! Huraaah =))) Hope you will keep on with doing great job =)
Great candy! Thx for the chance :D

Trish and Treasure said...

Hi Tech Savvy Corry, I love your blog.. cliché but you are a very funny writer and every thing you say sounds so familiar, the old you- is me -as I'm not so tech whiz in blog-land YET!I'd love to win a Tilda as I haven't got one yet..husbank has me on stoppage as it's very quiet on the work front and if I win this whopper it would be the best birthday ever for me,fingers crossed!

Sandi said...

Thank you for this great Candy and I hope returning to work is smooth sailing for you.

Tina said...

wow this is such an amazing much yummyness..thanks for a chance to win im a follower and very proud to be i also posted on my blog...


Loz said...

husbands will never understand that we win all that crafting stuff will they ;) I hope you enjoy being back at work and I'm sure you'll be missed! Thanks so much for the chance to win these awesome goodies... I think I'll have a got at that sketch later on.. when I get time! Have fun, been lovely getting to 'know you' ♥

Ninellli said...

Congratulations to you, celebrating your 2nd blogaversary!
Candy is great! so thank u for a chance to win!!

Giorgia said...

Grazie per questa fantastica opportunità!

zuneta said...

hi...congrats celebrating your second blogaversary...such a lovely candy that you have...can i win this??
i'm already your follower..

i have linked you candy on my sidebar...


Susan said...

Although I don't have a blog so can't link and win, I wanted to congratulate you on your second anniversary. May your return to work go smoothly and may you get a raise so that your addictive habit can continue!

Nata said...

Wonderful Candy, thank you for the chance!

Silvia Segura said...

Que historia más bonita!!Felicidades por el segundo aniversario y que estupendo regalo ofreces!!Encantada de participar un montón de besos!!!

Chrissy said...

WOW!!! What a fantastic post. It bought tears to my eyes, mostly from giggling away,as I still flounder around posting stuff, making mistakes, then getting a hot flush over it, LOL...Gosh, what fabulous candy, and I have done all the requirements, although been a follower from the beginning,and will miss you. I hope you do get back will miss it you know...
Another thing, I can relate to..I tell my kids{grown} "I won it ...truely...
Is that not shocking...LOL

Lynne in NI said...

Hee hee ... I think we can all relate to your blogging learning curve! And yes, I tell my DH too that bought goodies are actually prizes, shame on me!
Happy Blogaversary ... thanks for the chance of winning your whopping candy (at least if I won I'd be able to tell my DH the truth LOL!)

Christina said...

Just became your newest follower! I am loving your style. I was the same a year ago. lol I can so relate. Thanks for sharing your story and I am off to look around.

Leanne said...

I'm a new follower. I guess most of us went through the same rigmarole when we first started. Other than winning 2 blog awards & a small sized candy,I've a loonnngggg way to go. I just hope I win this 'whooping candy'as it contains all that a crafter needs & I won't have to spend time linking up to candies anymore ;)Thanks for the opportunity to try my luck.

Dragonlady said...

Hi Corry

Happy Blogaversary to you. Loved reading your story and laughed at all the things we have in commom as far as blogging experience goes. I wish you all the best on your return to work and hope you manage to continue blogging and creating your beautiful creations.

hugs Ali x

troy said...

omg corry long time lurker, but this post just rings bells for us all lol, i do hope you are still able to blog in between work and family your creations are gorgeous

big hugs Troy xx

Nana Nassar said...

OMG....I got breathless when I saw your blog...lovely... and then when I saw your candy....OMG again!'s all I need....tkx for the chance and for being so generous! I posted about the candy on my'm crossing my fingers now!!! xoxoxo

{erna} said...

Such a great candy! I surely hope to win it! Have added myself as your follower and post it in my blog:


Shirl said...

You are one kind soul, Corry! Thank you so much for an opportunity to win all these goodies!

MILA25 said...

Wow! Gorgeous "Whopping Candy"!!! Thanks for the chance to win such super candy!
Hugs from Poland Mila

Misty said...

Nice read with my morning coffee before work.
I added you to sidebar.
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

It's a very bautiful candy, Best Regards from Poland :-)))

Theresa's Studio said...

What a fantastic post!! Could relate to so many of your experiences as a new blogger...wasn't it a fun journey to begin in blogland? And I had many of the same responses from my DH too. Just found your blog and so glad I did. Would love to win this "whopping candy" and what a whopper it is!! Am a follower and have a link in my sidebar. Congrats on the 2 year milestone! Finding you made my day.....I can imagine how excited I'd be if I won your candy! That'd make my year!!

Barbara Colbert said...

WOW! What fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Im a new follower and new crafter! Omg I would have a heart attack if I womn all this it's fab!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!


katedb said...

Happy happy birthday...really enjoyed your blog ...with a nice cuppa tea and a doughnut. Thanks for the yummy candy.
Kathy de Beer

Simply Shaz said...

Hi Corry
I only just 'found' your blog today,and i gotta say that your post has made me I remember going through all that, that you mentioned too...haha
Good luck with going back to work :)
Shaz x

Tammy said...

What a fabulous post....It was funny to see that others responded like I did to the word *candy*. Was browsing your page and checking out your creations and your work is inspiring.
I am a newbie and posted on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance of winning.

Natka said...

It's faboulos candy and great anniversary - congratulations to you. I think I am the 501-th follower, and I wish you 1000 soon!

alethea said...

I can totally relate to all the blog newness!!I've only been going for about 8 months and still lerning what things mean!! LOL!!I have been taking a look around your blog and your creatons are truly amazing!! I will definitely be back for sure!! What an absolutely generous blog candy!! I will hpefuly get a chance to join in with the sketch challenge tomorrow!! hugs xx

kbrandy4 said...

Fabulous candy, thanks for the chance to win. Your blog is awesome. Off now to put your candy on my sidebar. Hugs Hazel xx

Geri said...

Happy blogaversary! And happy women's day :-)
This is the most fabulous candy I have ever seen, thanks for the chance to win it!
Geri Urumova

Tatka said...

Congrats!!! Happy-happy blogaversary!!!
The greatest candy!!! Amazing!!!
I'm so happy,that i can take a part))) Thanx for this great chanse!
I've linked on me right side bar

Gina K said...

I can totally relate! The first time someone told me to check my dashboard to keep up with a friend's blog posts, I was like, "huh? Did VW add something to my car the last time they did maintenance???" LOL. Thanks for the opportunity to win a huge, whopping blog candy! I've got some candy on my blog, too. Come on over and take a shot, if you're interested.

skimmia said...

What a great candy !!!
Greetings from Poland :-)

Penni said...

Wow what Amazing Candy - I've put a link in my side bar for you and also added my name to your followers list.

Thanks for the chance to win.


Kerry said...

I've just found your blog and I love it. I'm now a follower and have added a link on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

THERESA said...
1st. Thanks for a chance o win this Whoppin Candy, wow, amazing and this being my b/day month makes it even more special !!
2nd. I so agree on the start of my Blogging career, lol, it has been such an adventure and i can relate o so many things you have said, i even do still.......hehehe
Hope for all the best when you start working again, such a drag sometimes, lol, when you wanna craft and have to leave for work as i do now, yikes, better hurry...........:)))
I also have some Candy on my blog if you are interested!
3rd. Will be back with a card using the sketch, love it!!
Have a super, duper day and lotsa luv , Theresa

mellem said...

I'm now a follower and added your pictures to my sidebar, hoping to win this lovely blog candy

Raquel SK said...

I just became a follower & I'm sorry to have just found your blog. I too am still learning the ropes & don't have a clue what a DT is. But I do know what a dashboard is!! Woo hoo! I've added your link & appreciate the opportunity to win some product I've never used. I usually draw my own designs so stamping is purely playful to me. I'll try for the sketch as well! Again-Thank you!!
Raquel @

Annika said...

I have become a follower and I have linked to your blog from mine!


Jenny said...

I saw this on Susan's blog and came to check it out.

Good luck on the next part of your life! It sounds like it's going to be crazy fun.

Unknown said...

Hi, I'm here for the first time, but I follow you since now for ever :D
YOur candy is gorgeous and I hope I will win it ;-)
Happy 2nd Blogaversary!

Nicole Brenna said...

Great Amazing Candy... I posted it on my blog and I am a follower... I love Prairie Fairy!

Edi said...

Congratulations! Lovely candy!

Shelly said...

I just left my link for my card made with your sketch, Corry. Thanks for the fun challenge. Thanks to Claudia for the great sketch.

a Seeker of the TRUTH said...

Besides having a wicked sense of humour, you create truly inspirational pieces of work, the reason for me being a follower for a while.

You are a very generous lady and so i wish luck to the lucky lady.

Hope you find time to blog and create when you go back to work. as you will be missed.

Good luck and thank you for the chance to win some candy. I have posted your candy on my side bar

Hugs x Julie

scrappinpeg said...

Awe what an awesome mix of YUMMY candy. You are so generous to give sooo much. And I'd like to say THANKS so much. I will try to get a card made as well..
Almost WEEKEND time so enjoy your time with the family. Your return to work is just around the corner huh? good luck returning back. A lot to juggle.

Samantha Bailey said...

I am new to the "blog candy" thing and couldn't think of a better way to start. What a fantastically generous giveaway you have.
I am unsure how to place links in my sidebar on my blog so I have done a post about your Whopping Candy....... I hope that is ok. I definately intend to use your sketch for another entry.
Thank you for the opportunity to win :-)

Sherry Kushibab said...

Grabbed a cup of coffee and sat and read your 'story' - still LMBO...we stampers are all so alike, how great we are!!! Your hubby's reactions sound just like my hubby...'oh how nice honey' !!! Gotta love him for letting me bury myself in my stamp room on a regular basis. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderul 'whopping' candy.

The Crafty Elf said...

I think your really going to be missed and I do hope you hang in the background and jump forward every now and then. Your "candy" is amazing! I'm fairly new to blogging and your story is like a page outta my book. I was just there wondering about candy,and dashboards too. I'm spending so much time learning and I so love it. Good luck with everything and thank you for the opportunity of some "candy".

Samantha Bailey said...

Hi Corry
Thanks for coming over to my blog

I worked out how to add to the sidebar after I had posted about your blog candy, I did add a link to the post but have also now added to my sidebar.

Thanks again for the chance to win such fantastic candy.
Have a great day :-)

Katja/MezzaNotte said...

So lovley Candy!

I have put your candy on my side bar and now keep my fingers crossed, because I have never win before.

Many hugs Katja

Lisa said...

So fun to read about your journey in blogland! Even though I'd been doing some crafting before I started my blog, I didn't know much :)
Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!

Esther said...

Felicidades por tu segundo aniversario, me encanta el candy así que otra más que se apunta.

Emy83 said...

Felice di partecipare. Post sul mio blog. A presto! anna

Bits N Bobs said...

I have followed your instructions and have your piccie in my sidebar at , this is my first attempt at blog candy and can not find 'Mr Linky' LOL
I am probably looking straight past it but a gentle shove in the right direction would be much appreciated ;) Thank you also for this fabulous chance of winning some goodies.

Maggie's Crafts said...

Wow fab candy! Thank you for a chance to win.


sallysbitz2 said...

OMG Corrie, this is amazing candy... oops...I mean WHOPPING candy.
I had a chuckle reading what you had said, coz it's totally true. When you start a blog there is sooo much to learn... I am still learning Lol.

Thankyou for the chance of winning x

Hope all goes well when you return to work, it's hard going & you will feel sooo tired.
I just returned two weeks ago after having 3 months off coz of an op!!
Gonna get some crafting on the go tomorrow, todays is catch up with blog land Lol.

hugs sally x

Unknown said...

I soo enjoyed reading your post, I've only been blogging a few months and can so relate to this, especially about about telling hubby I won it really! Thank you for such a chance to win such awesome candy, put a link on my sidebar too!! Thanks again!
miller896042 at bellsouth dot net

Unknown said...

I can relate to your beginning blogging story. I just began my blog on March 2nd, yeah really. Thanks for your wonderful story, and thanks for the chance to win this amazing amount of candy.

Unknown said...

Well I am still laughing. Your story about how you started blogging and what everything meant is exactly what I am going through right now!!!Fortunately I was able to meet some people who took pity on me and followed me so I contacted some of them for help.
The blogging community sure is helpful!!! So thanks for the chance to win!!! and have fun with your new arrival

Linda Peo. said...

Congratulations on 2!

Sickan said...

I´m now a follower and I have told about the Wopping candy in my blog.

Now i cross my fingers and make a wish.

Have a nice day!

Annette said...

OMG your whole post made me laugh out loud and I had to then explain to my hubby what I was laughing about. Everything you said struck a chord, about the blog language and the addiction!!! Loved it. Thanks for the chance to win the candy, but to be honest, you've made my day either way. Gotta go now, my sides ache from laughing!!! Annette xx

McCrafty's Cards said...

Hi Corry, where do I start, congratulation on your 2nd blogaversary, I will post your wonderful candy in my side bar, I hope the return to work goes well, but dont stay away to long, you are a great inspiration to us all.
Kevin xx

Shime said...

Corry! Congratulations with your second blogaversary! Best regards to you.

whant to take part in this candy

Kimberly said...

Awesome candy....i'm a wishing:)
I've linked you to my sidebar.
I can totally relate, i'm a newbie and i have to tell you i have no idea what people are talking about....It took me at least a month to figure out what TFS bad is that. I'll enjoy following you and thanks for the fabulous blog candy.


So glad to hear I'm not the only one that is in the negative when it comes to blogland! hehe, 3 months, applied for 2 DT teams. . . noone iterested yet. I don't give up easily. Hope you don't leave us permanently, You seem to say what you mean and mean what you say and I appreciate that quality in fellow bloggers. Thanks for the chance to win such great supplies(candy)!

Unknown said...


lovely blog :)

i have added myself as a follower and put your giveaway on my blog.

have a great day :)

heres a link to my blog:

hblolly said...

Hi, have added your wonderful Whopping Candy on my blog (sidebar) and have become a follower.
Well done for the past 2 years, your blog is wonderful.
Here's a link to my blog

Heather xxx

mitz said...

... Iluv your blog and your sense of humor.. you are a hoot.. thanks for the opportunity at your candy.. Yum.. lol
( mitz_zee@yahoodotcom)

Hannapanna said...

Wow, this is amazing! Thanks for the chance to win all this yummy goodies. Hugs, Hanna

Unknown said...

Wow, it is a whopping giveaway!!! I would love to win,and will try to get a card posted back for another chance to win! Thanks!

Unknown said...

G'day Corry,
I totally enjoyed your post about your beginnings in blogland. I've still not learnt how to do a 'Sticky' and I agree it just doesn't sound right. *Laughs*. What a bummer about having to return to work and I'm sure that you will be lurking in the background. Thank you for your awesome 2 year blog Birthday Candy. Wishing you continued success. Congrats on a wonderful milestone. I have added your candy on my site. *Hugs*

Charlene said...

Hey Corry...congratulations on your second year in blog land. I have to say that you are doing better than me...I only found our recently that you can do a sticky, but have no idea yet how lol. I remember the first time I told my dh that I was entering a challenge...he gave me this totally blank look like I had learned a new laguage that he wasn't privy to. Well, I guess in a way I had. I have only been in blog land since Oct. of last year, but am slowly but surely finding my way. And I so enjoy meeting all the wonderful ladies that I meet on all the different blogs and groups. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy...I hope to be back with a card to enter also.
Hugs ~ Charlene

Priyanka Bokdia said...

hey corry! Firstly congratulations on ur second year in blof land! secondly, what a fabulous give away!! its a yummy and lovely giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!

Dawn said...

Wow! Congrats on the blogaversary!! Thanks for the chance to win this AWESOME giveaway!! I'm a follower; and linked you from my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Corry !! I was really amused and amazed after reading your blog post. Amused becoz, thats probably how all of us started out but you wrote all our feelings so beautifully. My husband feels the same way when I tell him about my arriving parcels or buys :) He cant figure out whats the big deal, if I didnt get a large viewership or comments !! But like you said, what happens in blogland .. .. Its really a beautiful world where all us crafty sisters have learnt to find beauty and acceptance of eachother regardless of where we hail from, color, religion etc. And ofcourse yes, Crafting can be such an expensively addictive hobby !
Darling, I hope to keep returning to your blog even if you may not be able to post as often, now that you return to work. Its been so good knowing you.
What can I say about the candy ???
Its a "DREAM". I am scard even to look at it long enough :) But then a little dreaming wont hurt, what say ??
Thank you for the chance to win this super duper Whopper candy. I have placed it in my blog post.
All the best with your job.

Anonymous said...

Oops Forgot to leave my address in my previous message,like everyone else has:


Gina said...

This is awesome! I am a new follower-sorry to hear you won't be crafting as much, but thanks for the Whopping Candy chance to win, very generous!
I posted your candy on my sidebar.

Gracie said...

HOLLY SHHMOKES!!!!!... What a huge blog candy - I never!!! I read your post line per line and I thought you were talking about me there for a minute..LOL.. I can truly relate to what you are saying.. Love your sense of humour girl.. Happy bloganniversary.

Gracie fron Queensland Australia

Jorill said...

I'm now a follower and added your pictures to my sidebar. Thanks for a change to win this lovely candy.


Loz said...

hey Corry! Just added my sketch entry, thanks so much for the chance to win some lovely goodies once again :)

DesignerDiva said...

Hey Corry, hows things going for you good I hope. An amazingly successful candy your having here, I have just entered my sketch and therefore my 2nd entry. Good luck with everything especially back to work
Laurie x

Cheryl said...

Hi Corry, you sound just like I feel, I have not long been blogging and still so much to learn, thanks for the chance to win your fabulous candy

Sonya said...



1 st April is my 30 birthday, to win it can be a lovely present:-)

elizajagoda said...

Really cool candy!
Greetings from Poland :)))

Tenny Kusuma said...

Awesome Blog Candy.
Thanks for the chance to win these.


BrossArtAddiction said...

Oh wow Cor! What an amazing huge lot of "candy"!! I just realized I totally forgot to check back on your did I miss this?! And I loved your Kinda sounded like me when I fist started blogging. I missed my fist anniversary too and I'm determined not to miss my second one in September! I took a peek at your first challenge card too and it is so cute...way way better than my fist ever card which I dare not Love that you tell you're hubby that you win everything...I wonder if that would work on mine?

Anyways...hope I can enter your candy too? I will still post it for you on my blog!

That sketch looks fun too...hope I can get some time to play with it! :D

Thanks so much!
xx Tracey xx

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

This is some awesome candy! Thank You so much for the chance to win! I posted this on my blog candy page and I am a follower!

Njeri said...

thanks for the chance to win. i followed all the rules BUT I can't find Mr. Linky so I will post here. Hugs from Africa.

Unknown said...

WOW thankyou for a chance to win your amazing blogoversary candy. Love your story of your early days in blogland, i'm still a bit like that myself, and can only hope to have the blog-knowledge you have when i get to 2yrs.

Kate xxx

Hildes Scrappeunivers said...

Awesome candy. Thanks for giving me the chance to win ♥

Have a wonderfu weekend.

Hugs, Hilde

Sheetal Ahlawat said...

You are a talented carftsperson Cory. Hope you find time from your other duties to keep up this wonderful buzzing blog.

Mari K. said...

Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win goodies!

Sonchyk said...

I'm a follower and added your pictures to my sidebar, hoping to win this lovely blog candy

Dorthe said...

OMG .... What an AMAZING CANDY! I am a follower now for sure, and i posted a picture and a link back here in the sidebar at my blog. Im gonna try that sketch too - im a big fan of challenges :o) Have a fantastic Sunday. Hugs from Denmark.

Donna said...

AMAZING candy and what a beautiful blog you have, so glad I have found it. I'll be back with a card for the sketch. Hugs Donna x

Rosa Forino said...

That fantastic! Thanks for the chance to throw my name in the hat!
public post on
Hugs, rosa
i am old follower
blog creative:

faithnme said...

Wow I CAME to admire your gorgeous card and Saw your Blog candy.. So I had to jump in on the fun.. Thank you for sharing with us.. I wish you blessing on your next Journey..


Debbles Dabbles said...

Wow, just stumbled onto this site through I forget where, but love all your's fantastic. Will spread the word....although the more people I tell the less chance I have...mmmmm bit of a quandry!! LOL!!!

Lovely Linda said...

Oh my giddy aunt - firstly I have to say I an shocked to learn that crafting is not considered working fulltime! LOL! I am sure you will miss your BULK time but I am hoping for all of us - you find some quality time to craft - I am now a follower and LOVE your Blog! As for your DIVINE and WHOPPING Candy - what a celebration of two amazing years! Thank you for the opportunity to play along for it - I hear it calling my name! LOL! I am off to link it to my Blog:
By the way - I have just won by first two Magnolia's and am waiting for them to arrive in the mail - such a great feeling!! Thanks again and God bless you Corry! Happy Blogaversary! {{{hugs}}}

Lori Aragon said...

Oh man!!! I kept MEANING to get over here cuz I knew that you had this Whopping Candy going on! Now I have to be the lucky #275 to win the goodies lol!

I am so happy to have had the privilege of getting to know you :) Even though my visits have been sporadic... I'll always know that your first Maggie came from my house hee hee

You've come a long way Baby!!! I am amazed at the gorgeousness that you continue to share with us - but most of all, I appreciate your personality! You are such a JOY :)

Lots and lots of love ♥

Kat said...

Wow, this is so awesome , but sad as well cause you are leaving (well sort of) Thanks again for the chance to win, and good luck to everyone participating :). Make sure you stop in and visit us all :)

Ani said...

Wow! Fabulous candy! Thanks for the chance to win it! I myself am sort of new at card making (you can check my blog) and winning this would definitely help me a lot :)

THERESA said...

Told ya i would be back with my card using the sketch, lol, loved it !!
Thanks again and be Blessed !!
lotsa luv Theresa

Naturally Me Creations said...

WOW! What a huge & generous giveaway!!! (i hope i win i hope i win i hope i win!) hehe...

I loved reading your post, lol, and happy 2nd blogaversary! :)

I'm a new follower, and i'm gonna try enter the card challenge as well! :)

Tnx for a lovely post and a chance to win this WOW candy! :) I'm posting this giveaway in my right side bar...

Samantha said...

Wow what an amazing candy!! Fingers crossed :)

Samantha xx

Charlene said...

Hey Corry...just realized that most ladies are adding their blog thought I would add mine. If you'd like to visit you can find me at Thanks again for offering such fabulous candy.

Karen said...

You're not kidding - that is one whopping candy being offered, and fingers crossed on this one for me and my cancer charity cardmaking!

Lelishna said...

What an interesting post :)
I'm a newcomer in cardmaking world and I see myself in the beginning of this story :) I never won any candies but I still hope! )))
Thank you for the chance! and sorry for my bad english ♥♥♥

mapowska said...

Hello :)
Happy birthday to your blog!
You've prepared amazing candies on this occassion :)
I am a beginner at card making so such "needies" are very welcome ;)
Greetings from Brussels!

Unknown said...

Wow! How wonderful of you! Thank you for the chance to win! I've become a follower!

Have a great day!

bissecat said...

Gongrytlation you and your`s blog!!
This amazing candy!!I gross my fingers and i hope.Greetings from Finland.

cebelica said...

This is one huge candy. You're very sweet to do this. Thanks for the chance to win these goodies. Hugs!


Stacey Brucale said...

Oh wow. So many amazing goodies! Thank you for the chance to win!


Jenny said...

Congrats on 2 years! I don't have a blog yet but I'm working on it.

jennyb at ripnet dot come

Montse said...

Wow is amazing. Congrats for two years.

Tamara said...

Wow what an awesome blog candy! I have been following several blogs for awhile now but just made my own blog. Still in need of designing and such so there isn't much there fyi! Hopefully someday I'll be able to have an awesome giveaway like you! Thanks!!!

CarpeDiem said...

Wow, what a candy! I have recently started my own blog, I must admit I didn't understand all of the things you related to in your text LOL... But you give me hope that I will be a queen of blogging some day! Thanks for the possibility to win.


Manu said...

Congratulation for the 2 years! And thanks for the chance to win this faboulus candy!

Manu said...

Congratulation for the 2 years! And thanks for the chance to win this faboulus candy!

mitch1066 said...

Entered through mr linky but had to add Happy Blogoversary!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win your awesome Candy. I loved your story it sounds just like me when I started LOL.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win your awesome Candy. I loved your story it sounds just like me when I started LOL.

Cyndi S said...

I am a follower and I posted your Whopping Candy on my blog. Sorry to hear that your crafting time is going to be cut. Hopefully we will see your creations from time to time. Thanks for the chance to win your more than generous blog candy.
cstephenson at q dot com

Δημιουργία said...

Happy Blogaversary! Amazing candy, thank you for the chance to win!

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