So many of you have been wondering, what is she up to? Where has she been?
I wondered.....myself....where I've been sometimes, whether I'm coming or going?!
I feel like I'm chasing my backside!
But honestly, if feels great to be busy.
To be motivated.
This is my latest business venture.
Skincerity by NuCerity International.
"An advancement in anti-aging cosmetic technology"
I was introduced to this by a friend from nursing school.
I saw on FB that she was using this on her baby's bottom for what seemed like incurable Eczema.
After 1 night with Skincerity, it was 80% better.
I was sold.
I bought some.
Tried it, loved it.
Bought into the business and SOLD again.
Network Marketing of a product that literally sells itself.
What you must understand is that I do not enter into these things lightly.
When I bought into the business, I was working out of town doing that "Agency Nursing" stuff I mentioned before in previous posts, soooooooooo, when I told hubby what I did, he was SHOCKED! You see, we live very humbly....paycheck to paycheck.....so an investment of one of those paychecks can cause a ripple in the best laid plans. PLUS.....I NEVER SELL STUFF....unless I'm 100% sure about it!
Then you know what happened. .....
He became my #1 supporter.
Started researching it.
Started using it.
Started getting as excited as I was.
As of today I am a bit richer, personally and financially because of it and I could not be happier.
It makes me happy to see lives changing by a product that ACTUALLY works.
A natural product.
A product that is multiplying by leaps & bounds across this country.....and maybe your country is next!
[[Currently, NuCerity International has distributors in Canada, USA, Hawaii, Austrailia, Mexico, Phillipines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore & Japan..........
This line has literally "taken off" in our neighboring Province of Saskatchewan and we here in Manitoba are rising to the top too!! ]]
Why does Skincerity work?
Skincerity is the only patented product (patented 4 times I might add) that forms a breathable barrier once applied to your skin. It helps to seal in your skins natural moisture thereby enhancing your skins appearance with the natural ingredients of grape seed oil & Vitamin E
And the BEST PART is that is a once a day treatment.
Apply before bed.
Flash dries in seconds and wash off in the morning.
It is not just for your face though, it is good for any area of our body where you want to get results. (see the picture at the top, it tells ya what it's good for! )
Oh my goodness. I could go on and on about this product like:
1. It is one of a kind- no other breathable barriers on the market. Patented 4 times over. No one is re-creating this one!
2. The founders of the company have multiple multi-million dollar companies between them (including {and this is what got me} SLICK50- something for your engine that prevents it from rusting.....my husband knew exactly what this was when I told him).
3. They have Doctors & Dermatologists testing & selling the product to enhance skin treatments
4. Numerous clinical & cosmetic benefits (see chart above)
5. Financial benefits
....the list goes on & on.
**For more information on this product you can check out the following links:**
= http://nucerity.net/corporateCA/index.php?lang=en to take an in depth look at the medical team, product & opportunities
=my website @ http://mynucerity.com/corrysmyrski/ (start ordering from there at the preferred customer rate)
= http://www.nucerityu.com/ for more of a business perspective.
This business is great for stay at home parents, individuals who work from home, part time workers who are looking for some extra income, fitness fanatics, naturalists, or basically anyone who want to make a change in someone else's life; which is wthin each & every one of us!
Now I also have a FB page dedicated to personal jouneys with Skincerity sales to customers who have graciously donated their problem areas with me to share with the world.
There are great results so far!
Check that out HERE.
-->My personal story is the fact that I've been using this product now for about 3 weeks....all over my face....and yesterday I really looked at my skin and realized it is much softer & smoother! So I'm pleased! <--
*My daughter used it on a pimple and it was practically gone in two days.*
-->My personal story is the fact that I've been using this product now for about 3 weeks....all over my face....and yesterday I really looked at my skin and realized it is much softer & smoother! So I'm pleased! <--
*My daughter used it on a pimple and it was practically gone in two days.*
I will leave you with a few photos from actual NuCerity customers:
And a link to a video!
Sounds like you are doing really great so far Cor! Wish you continued success and it sound like you are happy! :D
xx Tracey xx
Wishing you lots of success Corry!
xxx Margreet
Wishing you lots of success, fun and new friends from you big change. Change is good ... although scary ... but you will be helping others change and be happier as well.
xoxoxo Carly
Congrats and I hope you're a smashing success (which I'm sure you will be)!!
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