I've got an information filled post today!
Pull up a chair and stay a while!
First of all my blogger friend Dora made me aware of cool challenge blog called Flashback Friday. The premise behind it is to look back at your cards and based on their challenge, post one of your older cards that fits in. Don't link the original post.....find your card, make a post with it & enter! Done!
This week it is your first glitter creation!
BWWHAHHAAAAAHH!! I don' think I ever blogged half of my first cards. Now I wonder, to be in the challenge, do they have to be blogged!?! EEK!
Anywho, this is a SU set! See me perfectly placed clumps of glitter on the stew pot vapours! LOL OMG! I LOVE IT!
Let's see yours now! Get your card in!
New Challenge starting Feb 4.............woops.........that's in two days!
JENNI who owns Cardmadfairy Designs is starting a challenge blog and has blog candy to launch.
Head over to check it out!
Another new challenge is starting March 1st!

And they are having a DT call!!
It's monthly!
It's blingy!
It's worth it!
Now for some awards!
I recieved this 'blog love' award from Designer Diva! She is fairly new to the blogging community; however has some amazing creations already posted at her site~
I urge you to hop on over and check her out!
Thanks DD!
Now I am to pass it on to 3-5 bloggers!
So I'd like to pass it on to the new fairies joining the DT at Prairie Fairy Designs- Fairy Fun Friday Challenge:
Maddie (Jr. DT member)
This next award I recieved from Stacie. She can be a handful sometimes.....LOL....but I love her anyways! haha! [[ON A SIDE NOTE- Stacie has a very important request from anyone who is interested, so pls hop over to her blog & read the sticky post at the top!! ]]
Now I am supposed to pass this on to 5 people & say why they are recieving the award.
Well I am gonna give this to all the DT girls at the CREATIVE INSPIRATIONS challenge blog, cuz they are all awesome crafters and I am privildged to be on their team!
(I know this is probly against all 'award rulz' but I have been known to break a few rulz once in a while! lol)
Oh Almost forgot, I got some TOPS!
(See sidebar on left)
& this one for my Distressed edges card
& I won at Creative Craft for my Monochrome card
That definitely was a news filled post. Congrats on your wins...you deserve it!
Rule breaker just like me eh? Yeah, I know I'm a handful....my family never lets me forget it! HA! Thanks for spreading the word about my very important post! :) Oh and I gotta say I think your first glitter card is adorable...love the froggy! :P
Have a good day!
Thanks for the award hunny ;o)and the heads up about the new challenge blogs,
take care,
That would be a neat challenge, but I didn't take pics of any of my earlier cards, so have nothing to contribute.
Thanks for the blog love award Cor! :D
xx Tracey xx
By the way, cute card from the past! I dare not show my first cards...lol...disasters! :D~
xx Tracey xx
well, this post is just chock full of goodness...thanks so much for playing along in the Flashback Friday fun...so sweet that you found out from Dora! LOL...I guess we can technically call your glittery card blogged now:) It is such a FAB card!
He he!! what are you like, Loved the post hun, lots of lovely info. Your first glitter card wasn't that bad. I'm here to say a BIG CONGRATS on making the INK IT UP DT. They are lucky to have you. Mwaaaaaah
Suzi x
Ps. Thank for the lovely tinkerbell fairy. Love it. x
You're an absolute sweety Cor. Your glitter card isn't half bad but do you see how your style has changed - it's funny sometimes to look back at old stuff. Thanks for the award I'll wear it with pride on my blog.
Love the spooky card Corry, especially the googly eyes.
Donna x
I've always been the one people say to cause trouble... hee hee! I'm really not being mean when I say this Cor (honest) but your first glitter card made me laugh LOL!!! Everybody is afraid to say things that would help us to be better crafters...KWIM? Now before you start crying, I am NOT saying that your card stinks... you've just come a long way baby! Your style and abilities have grown up, that's all :)
Just wait til you see mine - yikes!!!
I love you my friend ♥
love your 1st glitter card cory, its cute. congrats to the wins and thank you so much for the award. kiss,kiss!
Hi Corry, I'm so glad you decided to join the Flashback Challenge it is so fun I think :) and your card is gorgeous, love the funny frog with the googly eyes he he :) Congrats on your wins. Hugs xxx
Your card is lovely!! My first glitter project on the Flashback Friday blog ::grimace:: was not blogged, either.....I had to dig into the archives of my computer and dust it off for the challenge. ;)
Thanks for joining us for Flashback Friday 7.0!!
Scrapping Mommy
oh hun,bless your heart for this award,I have not got this one,so thanks hun,you naughty rule breaker you,hugs cheryl xxxxxxx
oh well done,on your wins,too hun and for making the Team,too,well desrved as you know how much I love your work,xxxxxxx
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