(this pic was taken just the other day in her paralyzed state while sitting on the deck)
.....for my dear sweet puppy dog, Koda.
Below is a letter I wrote the Natual Healing Veterinary Care Clinic in our nearby city
{{ Hello. My name is Corry Smyrski & in less than 24 hrs my dog (Koda) has become paralyzed from the mid back down.
Heres' a bit of history.
Monday evening, we noticed our 6 yr old female Shih-Tzu unable to jump onto our furniture like she normally does. She would bark that she wanted to come up. She proceeded to throw up once that night before bed.
In the morning, we took her down off the bed and she started to come down the stairs....successfully going down 3 steps then falling down the remaining 6 steps. After that we noticed she was favoring her back end.
I went to work as did my husband so Koda was left with my mom. In that time, Koda was incontinent of stool around the house. She was placed outside by my mom but had difficulty coming up the 3 steps that come into the house. She sat in one spot for most of the day then hobbled to a nearby chair.
At lunch I made an emergency apt with the vet in Selkirk to get her looked at. At the time of the appointment (Tuesday at 3 pm) Koda was able to walk but was crossing her back legs one in front of the other.....I like to describe it as her legs/gait being "dizzy", then she'd sit down. Her neck muscles also seem very stiff & she can't seem to relax it.....it keeps going straight up so she's looking at the ceiling.
Blood tests at the vet came back normal, one X-ray (side view of hips) came back normal and so forth and so on.The vet said to give her 24 hrs and call him in the morning with an update.
By the time I got home from the apt (6 pm- ...1 hr drive) I went to show my husband how Koda was walking at the vets' office and BOOM her legs folded backwards.
Since then she has not been able to move her back legs at all.
She is pulling her lifeless back end around with her front legs.
This morning (Wednesday) I called the vet with an update and proceeded to tell me that the next step was another x-ray (aprrox. $450.00) of her spine that would ONLY give a diagnoses, then the next option was to go to Saskatchewan to see a special neurologist vet to have a CT or MRI or possbily surgery.
Honestly, I told him I don't have $450.00 for another x-ray never mind a $5000.00 trip to Sasketchewan. So we are doing comfort measures right now, hoping for the best.
We started her on Prednisolone today. She barks, she responds to name & touch. she growls like normal when she does not like being touched......she is eating VERY WELL....and just now before I started this e-mail she got up on her front legs, looked at me, & I rushed her outside, but she was incontinent of urine all over me along the way.
I posted my story on Facebook and a friend of mine messaged me with your info, stating that you helped her dog& her mom's dog when they became paralyzed like this. She said you are amazing. I am willing to try some treatments on Koda to see if she can get her legs back. }}
As this post goes live, my husband is on his way to take Koda to the first treatment at this facility. We'll see how it goes. In the mean time, we've ordered a DoxieCart for Koda in the event that the treatments don't work. This picture is what a DoxieCart looks like.

Thanks for taking the time to think of us today!
oh my goodness Cor, I'm saying that prayer for your sweet little pup. My friend's spaniel had a similar problem a few years ago. It turned out he had shattered a vertebrae while playing ball. He made a marvellous recovery following surgery. Sending hugs, Jo x
Oh no Corry! I´m so sorry to hear about your puppy! I really hope the doctor will find what´s wrong with her!
Take care,
Oh my dear Cor!!!! I will be with you all the way my friend!!! You are one fabulous puppy mommy :))))
Koda is in good hands and much loved. A kiss on the nose to her and a huge hug to you xox
Tammy xx
Oh my gosh im so sorry. This is so sad. I am praying for your koda. I hope the treatments work.
so so sorry to hear about ur beauriful puppy :( what a heartbreaking story, I really hope they are able to help her. She is so adorable and looks really like my two year old shih tzu "Tiny" and I can only imagine how u must be feeling.
Love and hugs,
Fiona x
I have tears in my eyes. I know how hard this is for you, your family and little Koda! My prayers are with you and yours. I too have a KODA...mine is a bit bigger being an Akita but he has an immune disease...has seizures, confined to our house and yard only and has other issues...so I feel for you! Hope all gets better! hugs
Oh Corrie, what a sad story about Koda...I hope everything will turn out well...I never pray but I will keep thinking of you, your family and Koda!!!
xxx Margreet
oh no how awful poor little thing praying the treatment works for her
big hugs sara x x x
Oh tis is terrible and do hope it works for helps it is so hard when they can talk we can only do our best and I am sure you will. Vets fees are crazy where do they think we get our money from. The money tree. I am sure all pet owners would give their last penny but times are hard. Good luck to you and your little one. Hugs from me and my little pup Buddy
Oh, Cor, I am so sorry to hear about Koda, what a sweetie pie she is!!! We have two golden retrievers that are absolutely part of the family, so I know the heartache that comes when something goes wrong... praying a little prayer for all of you...
Aw Cor, I hope your dog is okay and that they are able to fix whatever is wrong, without it costing the moon!
My lil Molly (Bichon Shih-tzu cross) is 6 as well. It's just like having a third child.
Koda will be in my prayers and thoughts!
I'm so sorry to hear that a member of your family isn't doing well. Hopefully they can find out what's wrong and fix her up. I'm sending healing vibes out to Koda and thoughts of comfort to you and your family. Keep us posted on the progress.
Oh my how sad for you and your family not to mention your pet...they become a member of our familys, i pray for a recovery and hope you are all doing ok...take care
Oh my Cor this is so sad made me tear up just looking at him!!!!! I have 2 pups so I know what you are going through!!!!! I sure do hope he will be ok!!!!!! Such an adorable little thing !!!!! Good luck and let us know what happens!!!!
Oh hun I am so sorry to hear about your sweet baby. I have 3 fur babies myself and they are like children to me, so heart breaking. I am praying for sweet little Koda. hugs~ Tanya
Oh! dear sweet Cor! my heart us aching for you and that sweet puppy. I pray that she is with you for years to come. Bless you all I do sincerely hope everything gets better.
Hugs n Love
Suzi x
OMG I am so sorry to hear about your sweet little pup. I really do hope they will find what's wrong with her and she will get well soon.. My heart and prayers for you and your family. Hugs xxx
Oh Corry I'm so sorry to hear that poor darling Koda is ill, I hope you get some good news very soon and that Koda is better soon. Sending you both love and hugs
Claire xx
Oh Corry I am so sorry to hear about your dog. I do hope the treatment helps her. xx
Oh Corry my darling, I am so sorry to hear this hun. Poor Koda, I hope the treatment helps her. My prayers are with you all. Sending you a HUGE hug.
Donna x
I'll be keeping your cute Koda in my prayers.
Im sorry to hear about what has happenned to your sweeet little doggie. I hope you get some good news and she recovers very soon. Thinking of you,x
OMG...how distressing. Your poor puppy. I have never hear of anything like this before. I hope she gets better asap. xx
oh cor i am so sorry.i really hope the vets can help koda.am thinking of you all.
coops xx
I am so sad for Koda and the entire family. This must be so hard....I hope that place can help! Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts!
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