Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sweet Pink Candy

Jacque's Joie de Vivre has some pink candy to commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Here's what she had to say:

And now to help me celebrate the end of my PINK JOURNEY and to remind you of the importance of awareness, I would like to offer the first of my several PINK SWEET STUFFS this month. But first I need to ask you to do a BIG favor for me!! One of my past DT sisters from Belles 'n Whistles has just found out that she now has breast cancer...Elise Dinolfo, a lovely and vibrant 38 year old lady with a 4 year old little boy!! Please drop by her blog and leave a little bit of love along with alot of heap big hugs...I would love for you to let her know that I asked you to drop by!!!!! She will need all the love and support which each of you gave to me as I was going down that bumpy road!!!! Elise had not yet reached the magic age of 40 so had never had her first mammogram yet...she found those scary lumps herself. So ladies, do you now see why I am on the soapbox begging ALL of you to have the necessary testing and do those regular self-examinations...Breast Cancer does not show favorites at any age!!!!! Thank you sincerely!!!!

Candy available until Oct 15!!

Have you checked your BREASTS today?!!?!

1 comment:

leMonaDe said...

I tried to give a sweet hello to Elise from Ukraine, but I do not know why - I was not able(((
But I'd like to tell - NEVER GIVE UP!!!! And the problem of cancer is on the upward curve in Ukraine(((( But I know a Girl - a mother of a 6 year old boy and a wife and a great personallity I have ever met who conquered it! And she proved - it is possible (she had skin cancer - which seems to be the most dangerous)!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is with her family now - though I think she had it all - all the the horrors possible! But she is so optimistic that she survived!!!!!!!!!
The BEST WISHES TO ELISE from Ukraine!
Lots of Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take Care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you please, Corry. Will you send it to Elise?

The candy is great - I loved it the very moment I saw it!!!

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